by pepfamily | Aug 31, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 20 Week in Review Monday August 22, 2016 Good morning! Now that we have completed our 10 Toastmasters speeches, we are going through our 7-12 minute business pitches to keep us prepared for the upcoming Business Plan Competition (BPC) we have before...
by pepfamily | Aug 24, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Name Test Avg. GPA Adams, J 87.03 3.35 Alvarez, M 44.91 1.25 Amparan, D 96.28 3.81 Aros, A 93.77 3.69 Ayala, S 91.78 3.59 Beane, K 87.89 3.39 Blair, M 95.05 3.75 Clark, D 76.12 2.81 Davis, C 95.37 3.77 Davison, C 80.68 3.03 Diaz-Briceno, P 82.32 3.12 Douglas, J 94.89...
by pepfamily | Aug 24, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 19 Week in Review Monday August 15, 2016 Man we are almost there! Where did the time go? Nine months, gone so fast. On day one who would have thought we would be here already? It is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. I am confident that my...
by pepfamily | Aug 17, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 18 Week in Review Monday August 8, 2016 For some of us we started our day with our last Toastmasters class, but for others we were off to computer lab. Most of us are done with all our computer lab assignments, but we have some voting to do for...
by pepfamily | Aug 11, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 17 Week in Review Monday August 1, 2016 We cannot get an effective start to the day without Folger’s in our cups. I am sure that everyone can agree no matter where we are at. By the way it’s Monday, yet another reason to start the day and the rest...
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