by pepfamily | Jun 29, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Name Test Avg. GPA Adams, J 86.57 3.33 Allcorn, J 93.98 3.70 Almanza, J 91.02 3.55 Alvarez, M 40.97 1.05 Amparan, D 94.80 3.74 Aros, A 92.96 3.65 Ayala, S 90.91 3.55 Beane, K 85.39 3.27 Ceron, D 100.02 4.00 Clark, D 74.45 2.72 Cox, K 89.69 3.48 Davis, C 90.84 3.54...
by pepfamily | Jun 28, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 11 Week in Review Monday June 20, 2016 After a quick prayer it is time to get the day started. Not just for me but for all my PEP brothers. We are now ready to face the challenges of every day, and trust us we are faced with many challenges in here...
by pepfamily | Jun 28, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Week 10 Week in Review Expressions (from Week 9) Good afternoon PEP revolutionists! I must say that I woke up this morning nervously excited for my brothers and me. We had the extreme pleasure of being educated by the world renowned Ms. Colleen R. Our...
by pepfamily | Jun 22, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Monday, June 6, 2016 After getting ready and heading downstairs around 9 a.m., with my cup of tea, I looked around the dayroom to see what was going on. Both televisions were on but with the sound off. A couple of guys were watching the news while a couple of more...
by pepfamily | Jun 22, 2016 | EsSm16-Archived
Monday, May 30, 2016 Good Morning! It’s Monday the 30th of May. Happy Memorial Day! Normally we would be going to Toastmasters, but today is a holiday. This means we have an extra day to study up on our speeches. I think mine will be over important people that have...
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