Week 8
Week in Review
Monday February 18, 2019
Today in our Toastmasters class, we finished up with speech number two: “Organize Your Speech.” It is funny how speaking in public was something that many of us were truly terrified about before the Toastmasters class began. Now, the same people that could not manage a sentence on the microphone in Phase One are now having to be “clapped down,” which is a polite way to let the speaker know that he or she has talked too long. It is incredible to see and share this transformation with all the PEP brothers.
Toastmasters is one of many new tools that we have been equipped with since embarking on this PEP journey. Being able to overcome the fear of public speaking is a perfect example of stepping outside of our comfort zone to be better communicators. Spring ’19, stay focused and be sure to welcome Fall ’19. Get a good night’s sleep because tomorrow is the first day of the new you. Do not give up, continue to reject passivity, accept responsibility and lead courageously.
Gregg G. (a.k.a. “Uncle Daddy”)
Tuesday February 19, 2019
It was a very exciting Tuesday for everyone involved in the “PEP Revolution,” due to the fact that the new Fall ’19 class began Men’s Life today. Spring ’19, it is time to step up and be Servant-Leaders for our brothers in Fall ’19. Many of us enjoyed a quiet day in our pods, while others attended class in the computer lab to work on more Economics of One Unit assignments before the test tomorrow.
It is amazing to see the transformation in all our brothers since the first day we began this exciting journey. We all know how crazy and different this place is at first, so be sure to extend a hand to the new class and help encourage them to stay focused and embrace their new journey to becoming authentic men. We all know that nothing worth having comes easy, so it is on us to weather the storm and make every minute count. Good luck Fall ’19 and Spring ’19. Stay focused and keep your goals at the front of your mind and remember: “This Too Shall Pass!”
Librado G. (a.k.a. “Sloth”)
Wednesday February 20, 2019
Our class was called to report to the PEP classroom bright and early this morning, where we gathered in a quest to grow, learn and prevail.
Entering the PEP classroom today, Brian T. gave us a lecture on marketing. As he began with enthusiasm, all eyes and ears were open and ready to learn. Our minds were like sponges as we learned all of the new information. All of us had our composition notebooks open and pens moving … what a morning! Not everybody in prison gets to begin their day the way we do here at PEP. We all are so thankful!
Johnny H. (a.k.a. “Mr. Ed”)
Thursday February 21, 2019
Here at the Cleveland Unit, the Prisoner Entrepreneurship Program’s Spring ’19 class is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We are 80% finished with our Business Plans and have only our financials and resumes to type.
On Thursdays, approximately 20 of us have computer lab in the morning and another 20 of us have computer lab in the afternoon. We are learning how to become proficient in Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Being in the computer lab is like being in the office of a tech start-up company. The walls are painted, and there is carpet on the floor. After an hour of being there, we can forget we’re in prison.
For those who did not have computer lab, we spent our time either studying or rehearsing our pitches. Others took a break and went to the recreation yard. The recreation yard is roughly five acres of grass, with sand volleyball, horseshoes, handball, softball, soccer and a dirt track that circles around the perimeter.
Zackary H. (a.k.a. “Happy Horse”)
Friday February 22, 2019
Today was the Kick-Off event for Fall ’19 which is just one of many events coming up for them. We, The Conquerors of Spring ’19, were up early to give them encouragement and try to help them loosen up. We also let them know that they were going to have fun dancing at this event.
As for us Conquerors, we got to enjoy a little down time, so we took advantage of it. We used the day to do some much-needed studying and research. Those of us who had homework got it done and are now caught up. We helped each other study, and tried to memorize everything for the test that we have coming up in the Entrepreneurship Class with Brian T.
As a little encouragement for all of our PEP brothers, I just wanted to say that we have come a long way. It is crunch time, so stick with it – it’s almost graduation! We got this and we can do it! God bless us all – we can and must succeed! “Yes we can, yes we can and yes we can!”
Eric H. (a.k.a. “Scared Straight”)
“When you start seeing your worth, it’s harder to stay around people who don’t.”
One can always find people who will put others down or discourage them in any way possible. Their daily goal is to devalue or downgrade whomever they come across. Some will hang with these people for a while, but the day will come when their eyes are opened. They will see these negative people for the enemies they are. This will cause one to find a new set of friends who see and openly acknowledge the person’s worth. These new friends will push one to succeed in all endeavors. All this comes about only when you see your value. Acknowledge your value, and others will see your value too.
Freddy H. (a.k.a. “Kung Fu Panda”)
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