Week 7
Week in Review
Monday August 13, 2018
Today we had a great day! Starting off, we turned in our first Economics of One Unit (EOUs) assignment, and they issued us another EOUs assignment. They also announced that they will be having tutoring classes for all of our brothers who need help on their EOUs. Furthermore, in the dorm we are coming together and creating our own study groups to help each other out as well.
Then, we continued with Toastmasters and everyone did a great job. Everyone seemed to be more relaxed and confident after the Venture Capital Panel (VCP) event on Saturday. All of our speakers who spoke today did a great job and seemed well prepared, especially considering how busy we all were last week getting ready for our VCP event. Good job, Fearless Fall ’18!
Luis C. (a.k.a. “Low Rider”)
Tuesday August 14, 2018
We had a presentation today by Grieg C. (a.k.a. “Jerry from Liar Liar”), Richard S. (a.k.a. “Gomer Pyle”) and Roger L. (a.k.a. “The Skipper”). They are trying to help us put together our business plans, and we are thankful for their help.
We did our Venture Capital Panel pitches this past weekend, and Fearless Fall ’18 showed what they were made of by presenting themselves as the entrepreneurs we are. We look forward to seeing the finished product alongside our business plans and developing the skills necessary to succeed in the business world.
As a whole, we are really coming together as a class, helping each other with these Economics of One Unit (EOUs) assignments. Also, we found out today that we each have a business plan advisor, so we can start working on our market research. We are so grateful to be a part of this program.
Michael R. (a.k.a. “Mr. Clean”)
Wednesday August 15, 2018
Today there was no sign of Bert S. (a.k.a. “Chocolate Truffles”) anywhere, however we had a special guest appearance by our very own PEP Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Tim H. (a.k.a. “Tender”). He was here to re-emphasize what Richard S. (a.k.a. “Gomer Pyle”) presented to us on the Economics of One Unit (EOUs) yestereday. He explained the procedure in calculating your business’s income statements, which results in your income taxes.
In addition, he explained very thoroughly the calculations involved in determining our business’s particular economic unit. Lee H. (a.k.a. “Giselle”) had great questions concerning the economic unit of the furniture manufacturing process. Also, Jeremiah N. (a.k.a. “Carly Rae”) got some really good feedback on the upholstery business, and we found out that Tim H. also was in the upholstery business at one point. The information provided today will help us all on the EOU practice test homework and for the financial part of our business plans. Pushing forward, Fall ’18 continues to show why we’re Fearless.
Raymond B. (a.k.a. “Sweet Apple Pie”)
Thursday August 16, 2018
We didn’t have much going on today, unless we were scheduled for computer lab. We just gave our first pitches to the executives last Saturday, and we were all nervous to an unexplainable degree with bottled emotions of excitement and fear. Fortunately, these feelings were replaced by relief when we realized we really had no reason to sweat any part of this encounter. The executives were awesome. The feedback they provided for all of us was professional insight offered at no expense. It’s really helpful information that we all needed and we very much appreciated.
This morning we did have a few “pray-outs” for some of the PEP brothers who are about to be released from prison, which is a milestone finally achieved by these men. These pray-outs help to remind them of what their plans are upon release. Servant-Leaders make videos of these pray-outs for us to look back on once we’re out in the free world, so we can reflect on all the support that PEP has provided to each and every fellow PEP brother. Also, the video is to ensure that we are still pushing forward in the right direction. This is just one of many things that we do here at the Cleveland Unit to show our support and the extent of faith that we have in each other.
We are all very fortunate to be involved in this program, and if we had to sum it up in a few short and simple words, we would say it’s an absolute blessing!
Jason W. (a.k.a. “Mr. Crabs”)
Friday August 17, 2018
Today was the first day of our book club meeting with Robert W., Ph.D. The book we are reading is All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. It’s a story about the effects of trench warfare from World War One. There seems to be many parallels with this story and what we live in prison. In fact, we discussed these in detail. One of the pitfalls of human nature is thinking that what you go through is somehow unique. It’s refreshing to see the similarities and takes much of the pressure off, making us fertile ground for humility. Surely, many of us will agree that we can gain from this realization.
After the meeting, we filed into the main room for our Living in the Village class. This class teaches us basic financial planning in a way many of us can understand. It goes into detail about how to overcome destructive spending habits with a clean, accessible, matter of fact, tangible plan. If we implement the tools PEP is giving us, there will be no doubt of our success in these endeavors. Although the vision PEP is giving us is real, it’s not real in us yet. We must be shaped into the vision until we get to a place where we can be trusted with its veritable reality. PEP provides the ideals and proposes the work. We are the ones who put in the work, and we can’t lose heart in the process.
Clinton M. (a.k.a. “Stewart”)
“Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Everyone has been given a fresh start here in PEP; it’s even one of our 10 Driving Values. This means that everyone has been given a chance to prove that they are worthy of the trust that has been given. In proving that you are worthy, you might need to think of the things that you could and should do.
Servant-Leader Mentality is another of our 10 Driving VALUES – I capitalize VALUE because the word means valuable. In order for us to be valuable to this program, we should begin living the 10 Driving Values in here and in life. Serving is a wonderful way to humble yourself and shed some of that ever-present pride. You will eventually come to understand that there is a sense of pride to be had in serving others. When you begin making a difference in the lives of others and PEP, you will become a part of PEP. People will come to VALUE you and the contributions you give. This is what makes the system work, when everyone does their part. PEP has invested a lot of time, money and belief in us, and for us to pay it forward we will need to do our part. So go out there and Do Your Part!
Gary C. (a.k.a. “Master Splinter”)
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