Week in Review

Monday, December 30, 2019

Wow! What a day today was. This morning, as we congregated and began to settle in for Toastmasters, Greg P. (a.k.a. Flower) gave us inspiring words of encouragement by letting us know how he personally felt about our direction and the instruction we had been receiving. Then we were hit with the infamous “heart check” – writing assignments that will keep us busy until next year, literally.

As we look back, we can see our outlook has changed these past several months. We can be proud that today we took this large homework assignment and accepted it with wisdom. Writing the same thing repeatedly may have seemed beneath us four months ago, but today we know and understand that everything in PEP is for our future, minds and families. We can only grow stronger inside as we realize our collective power when we tell each other how this is easy for us.

We are Spring ’20. We have grown close these past few months and are now solid. PEP graduates, who sometimes smile inside at our struggles, only do so because they see that we are indeed committed to service in love as they encourage us to succeed. Spring ’20 says, “Thank you, brothers.”

Robert C. (a.k.a. “The Monopoly Man”)

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Today was a busy morning for sure. A lot of us were practicing our elevator pitches for an event we have coming up next week. We are all very excited for this upcoming event, as we will get tons of great feedback for our business ideas from PEP’s executive volunteers. We were also busy this morning working on assignments designed to expand our knowledge on owning and operating our own businesses.

After eating lunch, we were called to the PEP classroom for some very interesting PowerPoint presentations on writing our mission statements, a very important part of any business design. Afterwards, we watched an inspiring movie called Overcomer. It was great, and we really enjoyed it along with the message.

After eating dinner, we returned to our dorm to finish our assignments. In the dorm, we had a talent show. Songs were performed as well as stand-up comedy. It was a treat that definitely helped us relax after an eventful and busy day.

Miguel G. (a.k.a. “Elvis Presley”)

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Today we not only woke up to a new day, but we woke up to a brand new year and a day off from class. However, we still worked all day writing our heart check homework, studying for tests, practicing our elevator pitches and writing our business plans. What a great way to start off the new year for the “Visionaries of Spring 20/20.”

We are beginning to see that this program is more than just a program – it is a way of life. We must stay focused and continue working on building our character as we feed our minds with new knowledge and wisdom learned from all the hard work and studying that we indulge ourselves in.

Our course is set and our compass is true,

April 24th we will see you!

Jeremiah K. (a.k.a. “Stone Cold Steve Austin”)

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Today we pushed forward, making lemonade out of the lemons we were recently given, a.k.a. “heart check” homework: lots of writing, lots of paper and lots of ink. Endeavoring to persevere is an excellent way to approach our homework assignment. Now that it’s Thursday, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel.

We are all pumped up, looking forward to next week’s business pitches, rehearsing daily as well as studying for our weekly test.

Albert S. (a.k.a. “Bruce Willis”)

Friday, January 3, 2020

Today played out to be an exhausting, challenging, eventful and satisfying day for the Class of Spring ’20. We began today by being entertained, educated and tested by Ledarion H. (a.k.a. “Reese’s Pieces”), our Living in the Village instructor. Ledarion H. can always be counted on for supplying Spring ‘20 with laughs, lots of actionable financial advice and facts, as well as an arduous test to ascertain whether we were paying attention and absorbing what intel he taught.

The second half of our enthralling day included a much-needed, motivational, spot-on, rousing speech by one of our illustrious commanders, Pat M. (a.k.a. “Precious”). As always, Pat M.’s speech successfully served to encourage us to press on and keep up the good work.

Our day concluded with another enjoyable – if not somewhat appropriately humorous and highly informative – teaching of entrepreneurship by Jose C. Not to be forgotten or go unmentioned is another one of Jose C.’s extremely onerous tests. Jose C. certainly makes sure that we all know and understand the fine art of entrepreneurship, including the theory behind what he teaches us.    

Joseph M. (a.k.a. “The General”)


“Life’s pleasures are like a sun giving nourishment to a flower. The very thing that gives it life, could be the same thing that brings it to its destruction.”

~ Tiddus Lee Alvarez

As soon as we turn away from our objective to enjoy pleasure alone, we lose sight of our vision. We must consistently reevaluate our reality so that we do not lose focus on our goals.

Tiddus A. (a.k.a. “Jimmy Neutron”)

Kings of Fall ’19