Monday, January 30, 2017

Kings of Spring ’17, where we are brothers, in the midst of our journey. We have been busy studying, putting together our brochures, working on our computer lessons, Toastmasters, putting our business pitches together, and now we are starting our Economics of One Unit (EOUs). Things are heating up, and for the brothers who are feeling a bit overwhelmed: take a deep breath, remain calm and stay encouraged. Let’s continue to lean on one another, as this is the time where together we get stronger. I challenge all of us to lead by example, get out of our comfort zone, and reject passivity. This is the time to start anew and improve habits so when we get home to our families it will be easier.

We have all heard that practice makes perfect, so let’s start practicing. When those moments come up we will be prepared; when it’s time to make that game-winning jumper, we will be prepared; when it’s the bottom of the ninth inning and bases are loaded, with two outs and the game tied, we will be ready to perform. When the time comes to make the vital decision, we will not shirk our responsibility, for we will be ready.

Whatever role that you play in life, whether as a husband, father, brother, son or entrepreneur, let’s prepare now. Every obstacle is a blessing in disguise. Confront it, accept it and deal with it. Every one of us has a life changing story, so own it.

Guillermo A.
a.k.a. Pinocchio

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

With beads of sweat dripping off of our brother’s forehead, a slight stutter, a couple of ums, and sweaty palms, public speaking has the ability to do all that and more to you, for it’s much harder than it looks. Toastmasters is a real blessing, teaching us to confidently stand in front of our peers and deliver a meaningful speech. It is great practice for standing in front of an audience delivering our pitches, or even standing in front of our family members having a much-needed discussion.

Toastmasters also allows us as brothers to deepen our bonds and learn some things about one another. Oftentimes we judge each other based on superficial things, holding preconceived notions about people without knowing who they truly are.

Right now we have so much going on around us, we are learning from every angle. It’s difficult work, and pressing, and time consuming, but it’s also a blessing that my brothers and I cherish. What really makes it special is that we have the ability to laugh and have fun through it all.

Juan C.
a.k.a. Cinnamon Roll

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

We, the Kings of Spring ’17, have traveled miles away from our starting point, and we are only just beginning. We have all made tremendous strides in our personal development. We still experience trials and tribulations, storms and droughts, but now we have the moral fortitude to withstand adversity without compromising our dignity.

One fact that is quite evident in PEP is that our exit is coming soon. Where there used to be trepidation and anxiety about our release, we now have focus and confidence in our plans. PEP has taught us all how to turn our stumbling blocks into potential stepping stones.

Everything that we are doing is a vital part of our journey. Every test that we take is a preparation for our upcoming test, so we must learn how to properly prepare. Every Toastmasters meeting is a preparation for our weekly family meetings. Every fierce conversation prepares us for the conversations that we will have with our spouses or children about the brutal realities of life. Life is an economic graph, full of ebb and flow, yet we are learning to stay the course. Let’s continue to fight the good fight.

Joshua M.
a.k.a. Mater

Thursday, February 2, 2017

On behalf of the Pioneers of Gib Lewis: we sincerely thank you, the PEP family, for your love, inspiration, generosity and encouragement. These two months have been invigorating and very helpful, a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

We were excited to have observed our first event. Seeing the compassion from all the executives and the support they gave us was beyond empowering – it was enriching. Their timely contributions enabled us to not only believe in ourselves, but also in the success that awaits us upon our release.

As for our first Toastmasters, it was definitely a challenge. With all the help and encouragement we are receiving, our journey toward becoming competent communicators is coming into focus. Again, we appreciate all the love and support that has been shown to us.

Jason C.

Friday, February 3, 2017

All of us in Spring ‘17 are busy with multi-tasking. Everybody has come together to help each other study for the upcoming test. No matter what is thrown our way, we will be ready. Sometimes life throws you curveballs. Life is a series of unexpected events: flat tires, children who get sick, a change in job duties, relationships that have their ups and downs. PEP does an amazing job at preparing us for life and all its unexpectedness.

Mike P. announced that we’ll be graduating on the second of June. The news fills us with anticipation as we realize how close to the finish line we are now. Continue to progress brothers, for we will be there before long … just another accomplishment on our long journey of life.

Man oh man, Toastmasters is a rough ordeal. I can understand why the majority of society fears public speaking. For most of us, the Ice Breaker speech was difficult, and many of us stumbled through it. But as we progress through Toastmasters we are beginning to warm up, gain confidence in our speaking skills, learn about the different functions of public speaking and really excel at it. As a class we are looking forward to utilizing this tool in both our businesses and personal lives.

Hubert R.
a.k.a. Elvis


“The good which every man who follows after virtue desires for himself, he will also desire for other men.”
Baruch Spinoza

You desire to be successful in every sense of the word. You aspire to be affluent, to travel the middle course in prosperity, to provide financially, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally for your family and friends. You aspire to be respected for your values and principles. You would like to be in a position to see the world, to change the world in some sense. You desire to live free, to smile, to progress, to overcome peril and be made stronger by adversity. But it takes more than that to become a man of virtue – you must also want the same for other men as you want for yourself.

Jaa’far A.
a.k.a. Jolly Rancher