Week 2
Week in Review
Monday January 7, 2019
Here we are, standing in a room full of men. We were once strangers, but now we are in the second phase of PEP as brothers. We start and end every class with a prayer for one another. We are learning about life decisions, choices, love and, most of all, brotherhood! We are learning how to be servant-leaders and how to hold ourselves and others accountable.
We started Toastmasters today. This is a class on public speaking, and we are truly blessed to be a part of it. This class is another step toward being positive role models in society. Public speaking in front of your peers can be a very scary thing to do, but with practice, we will overcome.
We made our PEP classroom look like a courtroom for our Toastmaster’s class. But instead of being judged and sentenced in this courtroom, we are speaking blessings and lifting up one another. Our first speech is called the “Ice Breaker,” a two-minute speech about our personal histories. Come on, Spring ‘19, we can do this!
Albert A. (a.k.a. “Shania Twain”)
Tuesday January 8, 2019
There was no class today, so we took advantage of that and got some extra studying done for the Basic Business test we are going to have tomorrow. We interacted, socialized, studied, laughed and sometimes cried. We remained mindful at all times of PEP’s 10 Driving Values. The most notable among these are integrity, accountability, and servant-leader mentality, interspersed liberally with doses of fun, innovation and excellence. We applied our artistic talents (for some a previously unrealized ability!) to create graphic logos for our business brochures in advance of Fridays’ much-anticipated Think Tank event. At the event, we will have the opportunity to brainstorm with business executives and entrepreneurs. We sent and received letters, many to our families who are out there cheering for us as we work toward our May 2019 PEP graduation.
In summary, we worked, played and prayed. We hoped and dreamed, we planned and schemed. A few of us older PEP participants even found time for a nap. All told, many wondrous and sundry things were done – another day of our sojourn passed, and we each took one more step in the transformative process of becoming new and better men.
Paul A. (a.k.a. “Life Alert”)
Wednesday January 9, 2019
We were excited about class today; Brian T. (a.k.a. “Cruella de Vil”) gave us a lecture on different business ideas. He taught us how to lay the groundwork for a business startup, including risk and gap analysis. We all took notes in anticipation of the test we will have next Wednesday.
From there, we went directly into Chapters Three and Four in our workbook, which covered business idea generation and initial evaluation. Brian T.’s insights on how many investors assess the viability of an opportunity and how risk is rated in the real world was very revealing. Many participants were able to walk through this exercise with him. This gave them an eye-opening perspective on how investors analyze potential ventures. We as a class look forward to the plethora of challenges that lie ahead as we prepare for the upcoming weeks.
We all felt like we were in a college-level atmosphere, as many were raising their hands and answering questions. Some of our classmates even posed questions of their own. It’s an amazing feeling to finally use our time in the most beneficial way that will be applied in every area of our lives from here on out.
Gunnar A. (a.k.a. “Rafiki”)
Thursday January 10, 2019
Being in class today gave us the feeling of being one step closer to home. Harvey M. from the PEP office in Houston, talked to the class about how PEP helps its participants re-enter society. PEP will be there for us from the beginning to the end. PEP will pick us up when we are released from prison, feed us our first meal at a restaurant of our choosing, and drive us to the PEP transitional home. PEP provides it participants with some decent clothes and shoes, as well as their first suit. They will provide transportation to the parole office, job interviews, doctors’ appointments and the driver’s license office. It is good to know that we have a support system already established for us when we are released.
Knowing that we all will be paired with a “life caddie” (helper) upon our release makes the reintegration process feel a little easier. The first 90 days after being released are the hardest and most critical. Knowing that a fellow PEP brother will be there to help us brings reassurance that we can and will be responsible, productive members of society.
PEP has proven to be an organization that cares and continues to care about us all – this is not just a program on the inside of prison. “It is a hand up, not a hand out.”
Anthony B. (a.k.a. “Boomhauer”)
Friday January 11, 2019
Emotions were high this morning as we prepared ourselves for the much-anticipated Think Tank event. We came together as one as we socialized, took pictures and danced in expectation of the day’s coming events. When we entered the gym, we were surprised to be greeted by the Executives and our Servant-Leaders! As we entered the room, the energy and intensity were magnified as we accepted their most gracious welcome.
The moment we prepared for all week was finally here: the Think Tank event. For most of us, this one-on-one time with the executives was the climax of the day. Many of us were apprehensive as we unveiled our business ideas with the executives and wondered if they were worthy of praise—or whether they should be discarded. Smiles and laughter soon took over as the tension eased and bonds began to form. The executives offered advice, insight and feedback, and we absorbed it in a matter of minutes. However, these 10 minutes were very important because they could potentially change our lives. Then we rotated to the next executive and soaked up more wisdom. Two hours later, our business plans seemed so different, with each one taking a new shape and form. Before we knew it, the event was over. The moment we prepared for all week was gone.
Then we were blessed to hear both participants and executives alike share their experiences and emotions as they journeyed through the day’s event. Each person expressed what this program meant to them, how it was changing their lives and how inspired they were by each other. We soon found out that some of the executives weren’t all that different from us as they shared their stories of overcoming adversity and achieving success. As the day’s event drew to a close, we reflected on our experience and the love and support that was freely given to us by our friends and brothers on the outside. Today was a blessing. Thank you, PEP, for making this day possible!
Seth B. (a.k.a. “Ghost Busters Secretary”)
“The more sweat in peace, the less blood in war.”
This quote continues to prove how proper preparation will pay dividends when the true test arrives. Continuing to train ourselves to change our ways of thinking and behaving will prevent much loss and suffering in the face of adversity. This will help us overcome the challenges daily life offers. Obedience is always better than sacrifice.
Adam K. (a.k.a. “Cupid”)
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