Week 2


Week in Review


Monday July 17, 2017

Today our day started out at 9 a.m. when we were called out to our Toastmasters class. We were divided into groups, with groups A and B meeting in the morning, while the C and D groups meet in the afternoon. We all seemed to be unorganized at first, but we came together as a group and picked out our Presidents and Vice Presidents.

We also received our Toastmasters books and are preparing for our first speech already, which will be the Ice Breaker speech. We are all looking forward to this speech, because it will help us overcome our fear of public speaking.

We will continue to help one another by encouraging and lifting each other up to achieve greatness. The Toastmasters experience will enable each of us to become better speakers in class, as well as when the time comes for us to be released. We hope to achieve the most we can get out of this class, and I wish the best for my PEP brothers.

Chad A. (a.k.a. “Cheesecake”)


Tuesday July 18, 2017

Today was a good day for me and my fellow brothers. We worked on our Coats of Arms, which was something different for all of us. It was peaceful, and it felt like we were kids again. Working together with glue, scissors and markers is going to be a memory.

When our families see our Coats of Arms they’re going to laugh, seeing our heads on a superhero’s body. Our children will like it a lot too, because every kid has a superhero they look up to.

We all hope that in the future we’ll be able to do more projects like we did today, because they bring us together not only as a class, but as a brotherhood. Shout out to our class, the Legends of Fall ’17: let’s keep doing what we’re doing, living life right.

Mario B. (a.k.a. “Mr. Potato Head”)


Wednesday July 19, 2017

The anticipation was high in the classroom today, because we had our first test in Bert S.’s class. We’re finally doing what we all came here to do: learn about all the different facets of business.

We all felt like we were in a college level atmosphere, as many were raising their hands and answering questions, while some of our classmates even posed questions of their own. It’s an amazing feeling to finally use our time in the most beneficial way that will be applied in every area of our lives from here on out.

We have our next test on Friday and it seems like they’re already putting the pressure on us, but it’s only going to buff us into authentic men. Just like a lump of coal has to undergo intense amounts of friction and heat to become a shining diamond, we too must endure the intense pressure of PEP. Godspeed to all of the Legends of Fall ’17.

Terry B. (a.k.a. “Shar Pei”)


Thursday July 20, 2017

We had a very productive day to say the least. It was bright and sunny, as was our mood. Our time is always spent in preparation.

On top of our agenda was studying for a test tomorrow.  Some of us got together and asked questions concerning our different assignments. We absolutely enjoy the challenge that PEP brings, knowing that this hard work will pay off eventually.

We were honored with the presence of two guest speakers today. One was Allison B., the assistant to Houston’s mayor and also a former employee of PEP. Also we had Doug S. who is a lobbyist for the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition. Both of our guests came to ask us for ways to basically help ourselves and others that might have to deal with the criminal justice system. While we know that every decision each person makes affects the whole, we should make choices considering others.

Eric B. (a.k.a. “Hershey Kisses”)


Friday July 21, 2017

The key word today is succeeding. Today we had a very well-known servant leader come to pay us a visit to discuss some more knowledge with us; Bert S. provides very good insight about the business world to us.

Today he explained several steps regarding doing your due diligence on business ideas, as well as external analysis. We enjoy every minute of Bert S.’s time that he spends with us. The information that he provides is very valuable. He has also given us the tools to learn to gather our own information.

The gems he shares with us are absolutely voluntary; it’s up to us to make the decision to use what he has shared, but applying his knowledge will be very beneficial and could take us a long way in the real business world. We can all agree that Bert S. is a perfect example of a servant leader. We all know that “servant leaders earn the loyalty and best efforts of their people, by serving the interest and investing in the development of those they lead. Servant leaders lead to see others succeed.”

Demetrious B. (a.k.a. “Officer Otis”)



“The more you say the less people remember.”


A lot of times people will remember us for the things that we have done, not the things that we have said. It’s good to express yourself, but actions speak louder than words. Here at PEP we are taught to lead by example and lead courageously. It’s at these times that what we say has very little impact on the things that we do. My advice for us is to be doers and try to achieve this with minimal words. We all want to be remembered when we are gone from this earth; the question is, what are you going to be remembered for?

Joe A. (a.k.a. Tabasco)