Week 15
Week in Review
Monday October 8, 2018
Today is Columbus Day. Columbus is credited with the honor of discovering what we now call North America. In that same spirit, Toastmasters International has been instrumental in the changes that have taken place within Fearless Fall ’18. When we first started Toastmasters, we were unsure of ourselves and uncomfortable speaking in front of others. The transformation that has taken place over the past few months has been nothing short of miraculous. It has been my great joy to share this journey with my brothers.
Many men spoke on Project 10, and the topic was about Servant-Leader Mentality. It was inspiring to hear those men refer to loved ones such as fathers, mothers and grandmothers as examples of what it means to be a Servant-Leader. It was equally inspiring to hear those same men express a desire to be that example for their children. Part of the creed that we recite at each Toastmasters meeting reminds us that “Servant-Leaders earn the loyalty and best efforts of their people by serving the interests and investing in the development of those they lead.” By the grace of God and through the efforts of PEP, we are being equipped to do just that.
James R. (a.k.a. “Biscuit and Jelly”)
Tuesday October 9, 2018
Today, we had computer lab – awesome! We also had a survey about the consequences of our choices. This really had our brains working, thinking in terms of what’s good for us as Fearless Fall ’18 brothers.
After this, we were fortunate to get a brief lesson from Keith F., our facilitator for Men’s Life. This is a program every man should take who wants to be an authentic man. Keith F. talked about the four agreements of the world: 1. Be careful with your language. 2. Don’t take things personally. 3. Don’t assume, and 4. Work hard. If somebody says something you don’t understand, it would be best to ask for clarification. Keep pushing forward, Fall ’18! Graduation is right around the corner.
Nathaniel L. (a.k.a. “Chocolate Drop”)
Wednesday October 10, 2018
Everybody knows what happens on Wednesdays. That’s right – it’s test time! Today is the day we find out who really took time to study. The majority of us can’t wait to take the test, just to see if we passed. It also allows us to show others how much effort we put forth toward bettering ourselves.
Today, we prayed-in and received instructions for our event scheduled for this Saturday. We are so excited to share another wonderful day with such loving people. We always do our best to be prepared. After that, we took our test, which hopefully we passed.
Afterwards, we had our courageous instructor Mr. Brain T. (a.k.a. “Cruella de Vil”) teach us about Entrepreneurship. Fearless Fall ’18 is definitely grateful that he takes time out of his day to teach us this valuable information. We are looking forward to the next few tests, because shortly thereafter there won’t be anymore. We’ve come so far and yet still got a long way to go. Graduation ceremony, here we come! Special thanks to those who support us and PEP. We love everyone.
Kevin M. (a.k.a. “Liberace”)
Thursday October 11, 2018
Today was a “slow” day for our Fearless Fall ’18 class. We got an off day, which means a little rest; but, it also gives us the opportunity to show our brothers from Spring ’19 the importance of demonstrating Love and Servant-Leader Mentality by helping and encouraging them.
Today, Spring ‘19 also received their True North book. I’m sure they will learn a lot from it and enjoy it as much as we did. They also did the Men’s Life class and got the opportunity to learn about the “mother wound.” Then we broke up into small groups to talk about this subject. As we all know, having to open up about personal matters is not easy, but we encourage all our brothers to do the best they can because at the end of the day, it can be very therapeutic.
In conclusion, to all my Fearless Fall ’18 brothers, keep striving. Our victory is here and now.
Christian T. (a.k.a. “Pineapple”)
Friday October 12, 2018
Today we were called out to the PEP room for our first test over Crime and Punishment. Most of us were nervous as we did not know what to expect, but like all things, it was not as bad as we imagined it to be. The book is great, and rightfully so as it is considered a classic. It is helping us to understand the impact our choices have on our lives and the consequences that we must accept.
After the test, we had two guests come in to speak to us about possible job opportunities upon our release from prison. They were representatives from Kaspar Industries, which has its headquarters in Shiner, Texas. The representatives were looking for prospective employees for all sorts of positions such as graphic designers, packagers and welders. The downside of the opportunity was having to move to Shiner, which is a small community with a population of only 2000 people. The upside is that there are people out there who believe in our change and are willing to help us get on our feet. This is just one of the many great things about PEP, having a network of people who believe in second chances. Thank you PEP and God Bless!
Anthony B. (a.k.a. “Snooki”)
Saturday October 13, 2018
Fearless Fall ’18 got called out at 8 a.m. for the Workshop Event. Some of us were ready and all hyped up for the event, but the ones who were not at the beginning started to get in the groove once the music began to play in the PEP classroom. As it got closer to 9 a.m., we all started to form a welcoming line for the executives and students from the University of Houston.
The music was loud, and as our welcoming line transformed into the shape of a tunnel for the college students and executives to walk through, our guests came in with a surprised look on their faces. With all the excitement in the air, it turned out to be a great crowd.
Then we all got assigned to our classrooms for some one-on-one conversations about our business plans. The executives and students were well prepared to answer our questions. We didn’t think it would have turned out to be this great. Everyone got valuable information, and it will help us a great deal for our upcoming Business Plan Competition. This was a beautiful Saturday, and one that we won’t forget. Thank you to all of the executives and students for sharing all of their knowledge and giving us their support.
Max B. (a.k.a. “Sullivan”)
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”
~Abraham Lincoln
A firm foundation is of the utmost importance in almost all things, because it provides a good sense of balance to help keep us steady and upright. Skateboarders and surfers need to have good balance; otherwise, they would crash quickly. Athletes require good balance so they can make the plays that make them great at what they do. Buildings also require a firm foundation in order to last throughout time. In order for us to become upright and honorable men, we require a foundation that will support us. The way to get a stronger foundation is to learn good values and have a support network that will catch us when we fall.
The 10 Driving Values are a great place to start if you are looking to create a better foundation for yourself. A firm foundation is required if you want to succeed outside the gates. Fortunately, it is the PEP network and the discipline learned in this program that will be our success. Take PEP seriously and life will be immensely easier than it was before. Learn a value system, formulate plans and network with graduates outside, and I am almost certain of your assured success. Start building for your future, building a foundation of values and righteousness, and all your dreams will come true. Platitudes these are not; truths these are.
Gary C. (a.k.a. “Master Splinter,” a.k.a. “Yoda”)
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