Monday, September 24, 2018
Today is different from any other Monday, because it is our twelfth week in this class. We completed a resume today, which included typing it up as well as our computer assignments for the day. Since we have been coming to computer lab for twelve weeks now, we are becoming familiar with the applications and what it takes to complete assignments. We really have excelled in these past three months.
After computer lab, it was off to the PEP room for Toastmasters. Some of us gave speeches, while others listened and graded the performances. Remember, it is our twelfth week in class, and some of us are really becoming comfortable getting up in front of the class and speaking. Some men spoke on step-by-step projects, which basically informed us about how to complete jobs to the best of our ability; other brothers gave speeches on real life experiences and how these experiences have helped them along the way at becoming the leaders and men they were destined to be. Great job, Fearless Fall ’18!
Kerry H. (a.k.a. “Dobby”)
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Today some of us had computer lab. It’s a fun class where we are taught how to use Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. We each have lessons to complete. We are learning so many tools to help us get ready to become successful entrepreneurs. Today we used Microsoft Word and typed our resumes afterwards. We are all excited about looking professional when it comes time for us to re-enter society and search for employment.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we no longer have class because of Leadership Academy starting for Spring ’19. Many of us joined in by volunteering our time and energy into the development of our new PEP brothers. They were just as excited and energetic as we were when we were at this point. It is great to see so many people eager for something different for their lives. Great job for both classes! Who are we? We are PEP!
Patrick H. (a.k.a. “Dunkin’ Donuts”)
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Usually on Wednesdays we test and go over a specific chapter with one of our instructors in our Entrepreneurship textbook. Today however, our class was changed up to offer 20 or our Fearless Fall ’18 brothers the opportunity to pitch their request for financial assistance in getting their families to our graduation ceremony. Some families we found out are as far away as Chicago, Wisconsin and Las Vegas while others are 13 to 15 hours away from our wonderful state of Texas. We were each given a ballot to vote for the “10 best” or “Top 10” in need. In reality, we all know that everyone needs a little help sometimes.
We were moved and touched by all the pitches describing situations with loved ones in need of help. However, we were also touched and moved by some of the men that showed an indescribable amount of love by backing out of the pitch to offer and allow the votes to go to other brothers they believed would need it more. WOW! Then to hear the praises in recognition of the changes and transformation we’ve accomplished from Al M. (a.k.a. “Granny Panties”) and Brian T. (a.k.a. “Cruella de Vil”) really motivated us to reflect on where we were and where we’re at today. At the end of the day, that’s what we, Fearless Fall ’18, came to do: change!
To cap off today, we were assigned our Crime and Punishment books, which is a class that will follow our Living in the Village financial course that is coming to an end. Then, Brian T. picked eight team captains for our Super Bowl etiquette contest that will close out our week. It is an event that will partner participants and executives to an elimination process and leave the last team standing as “Super Bowl Etiquette” winners. Yet, it’s all about having FUN while learning, which makes all of us winners. So, we keep moving forward as Fearless Fall ’18.
Jesus M. (a.k.a. “Cuban Pete”)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
As soon as we walked through the door into the PEP room, we all felt this warm, welcoming and energetic atmosphere. Music was playing and everyone was dancing, laughing and greeting each other. Some of us were even doing the “block boy dance,” which for those who don’t know the dance, it is indescribable. You’d literally have to go look it up.
Next, we all cheered and welcomed our guest, Colleen R., as she danced her way up the aisle to the front of the room. It was very interesting to learn about proper manners at a table, proper ways to dress or even proper ways to speak. Some of us even learned how to tie a tie for the first time. We even learned how to properly and politely ask a lady out on a date. A few volunteers from the class had to stand in front of everyone and ask Colleen out on all kinds of dates. It was so hilarious. Thursday was pure joy to our souls!
Gabriel M. (a.k.a. “Butter Crunch”)
Friday, September 28, 2018
Let us start by stating some facts: actions speak louder than words; humility shows the character of a person; it is believed that gratitude links the two; but there’s no denying that all three are an integral part of each and every one of our 10 Driving Values. Let us not forget why we are here my brothers; don’t lose track of the transformation currently taking place, but more importantly, let us not lose sight of the real goal here: to become better men seeking better lives for ourselves and our families. Sometimes life may not seem fair, or our adversities may feel like they’re too much to bear; but it’s not what happens to us that defines us. It’s how we choose to react that does. Always strive to be the best with humility. Show gratitude every single day, and you will live a life full of joy and prosperity.
Today, Colleen R. hosted our Fearless Fall ’18 Excellence in Etiquette event, and it was an absolute blast! It was an exciting and fun event, and the executives’ outpouring of love and support was staggering. All eyes, including those of the executives, were opened to just how important good etiquette truly is and how much of an impact etiquette actually has on our lives.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Colleen R. for taking the time to educate us prior to the event and for making it a fun and memorable experience. May we all use the knowledge we gained over the past two days and carry ourselves with a higher standard of love through etiquette. Let’s make Colleen proud, brothers!
Paul P. (a.k.a. “Cinnamon Toast Crunch”)
“If you’re helping someone and expecting something in return, you’re doing businesss, not kindness.”
Many people believe this program is about learning business, but it’s really about so much more. Its foundation is built on love, compassion and generosity. In fact, this program would never have been started without the love of one woman toward her community and her fellow man. When she started this program, she did it expecting nothing in return but our dedication and commitment to change.
As we approach the beginning of this new class, let us remember what this program is truly about. It’s not about business at all; it’s about lifting another up with the strength that was given to us by the ones before us. Besides, life has a tendency to reward those who love unconditionally, but at the same time, God knows where our heart is. When we show love for His purpose, He loves back!
Timothy D. (a.k.a. “Ren”)