Monday, October 2, 2017
Computer lab is one of the classes that we all look forward to attending. Today we were in the computer lab polishing up our skills. Everyone utilizes computer skills in the world, so we can all benefit from this class.
Also today we attended Toastmasters, and I can honestly say that we are all getting better at public speaking. At first, most of the PEP brothers were a little shy about public speaking. But as the class has progressed, we have all gotten used to leaving our comfort zones and opening up more.
Overall it was a good day. Graduation is right around the corner, with two months left in class – all the hard work we have put in is finally paying off. But of course we all know that this is only the beginning of our walk to a better life. I look forward to seeing all my brothers at graduation. We are forever “Legends of the Fall” – we are PEP!
Dewayne C.
aka “Power Ranger #2”
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Today was an off day for the majority of us, but the Leadership Academy class was hard at work learning to become better men. At this stage of Phase Two, we have learned to make small sacrifices, and our brothers in the first phase are also learning how to make those same sacrifices.
For most of us here in Phase Two, today is a day to relax, write letters or clean house; for some it is a day tackle the challenges of Excel, PowerPoint or market research; and for an unfortunate few, today was a day to complete homework from the previous week.
As we draw closer to graduation, all of us can appreciate the fact that there is no excellence without sacrifice. Whether it’s taking time away from recreation in order to study or helping a struggling brother, the Driving Values of love and servant leadership are encapsulated in the word “sacrifice.” Today marks a day closer to going home for all of us.
Jacob F.
aka “Sylvester”
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Today was such an amazing day! Finally, we have covered Chapter 14, the last chapter of the textbook. Today in Bert S.’s class we received the outline to our 7 to 10 minute business pitch. The progress we have made thus far is fabulous. I regret to say we are so close to finishing this class, but this only means we are one step closer to getting home and starting our own businesses, or whatever it is we are going to do with our lives.
We also had our sign up day for the new health and wellness class. We are all psyched up to begin the next phase of the class, as well as welcome all the new brothers who are just starting.
In conclusion, a man without plans, goals and dreams is like the man who chases the wind; he is lost and blind. We must pursue the image we want to become and where we want to be. Never giving up hope. Remember that our talents, our skills and our motivations will determine our success. Recognize that we will not only achieve, but go beyond that which we have set before ourselves; this is our creed. This is why we are Legends!
Jaime G.
aka “Muffin Top”
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Today we were blessed to see another beautiful sunny day. The Lord gives us the strength and guidance we need to be better men for our families and for ourselves. It is always a humbling experience for us to know we are being protected and providing light to others, even in darkness.
This morning we saw fellow PEP brothers take steps to find themselves through Authentic Manhood and Leadership Academy. As the Legends of the Fall 2017 class have volunteered to help them through their journey, I can’t help but reflect that just a few months ago we were beginning the same journey. The experiences we shared should be given to the new class in order to help them grow.
Throughout the day a lot of the brothers from the Legends of the Fall 2017 class expressed disappointment after the results from our recent Chapter 13 test – not because we believe we have to be perfect, but because we believe we can be successful at everything we attempt in life. For many this test was an eye opener: no matter how close we are to graduation, it is important that we do not lose focus on what is ahead.
Reymundo I.
aka “Hot Tamale”
Friday, October 6, 2017
At this point in the program, all of Phase Two has seemed as though we are in a time warp. Looking back over the past several months, we are wondering where the time has gone. It seems like yesterday we began Bert S.’s class, and now it’s almost over. But we are not finished yet.
This morning, the call went out: “Fall 17” to the PEP room at 7:15 am. Many of us were still shaking the sleep off as we trooped to the class room. A rumor had begun to circulate that we were going to have an unexpected test. As is often the case with rumors, it turned out to have no basis in truth. Instead, we were there for a seminar.
“Marketing A to Z” was a very informative session. It took key points in marketing and organized them into an alphabetical arrangement, accompanied by a PowerPoint with visual illustrations. Many brothers chose to take notes in order to create a quick reference chart to place alongside our business plans.
The rate at which we have been educated over Phase Two has been rapid to say the least. Major key points have been made and repeated, some to the point of seeming superfluous. But as we’ve gone on, we’ve understood the point of the instruction we’ve received. Legends of the Fall ’17 will prevail as we head toward to the Business Plan Competition.
Brandon L.
aka “Starburst”
“A million mile journey begins with one step.”
For many of us, PEP has been a journey – an unlikely journey that many of us probably never envisioned for ourselves. At this point it almost feels as if this has been a million mile journey, and more than just our feet are tired. We all have our unique experiences and memories throughout our PEP journey, but we didn’t make it alone. Sometimes we felt fatigued, and some of us almost quit at one point or another, but we all know and agree that this “one step” was definitely a step in the right direction.
Bryan Gene A.
aka “Roly-Poly”