Monday, September 17, 2018
We are all learning so much, and more importantly, we are having fun doing it. From day one, the Prison Entrepreneurship Program has helped encourage and show us how to break out of our shells, and today was no different. As a result, we are all much more comfortable now than we were six months ago.
Waking up early has become the norm for us. This morning we had Toastmasters, and every one of us is improving our public speaking due to the team effort involved. Some of us presented prepared speeches, but not one of us was left without a job. Aside from the assigned speakers, one of us was learning to host the group, one was managing the rest of us, five of us were assigned to evaluate the speakers and in return, the speakers became more comfortable in accepting constructive criticism. There was also a grammarian who observed, notated and shared his report on everyone’s proper word usage, and even the audience was involved as they were quizzed on the speaker’s speeches. This helps us all become better listeners while also being asked questions at random, which improves our ability to think on our feet and become more confident at all times instead of shutting down.
There is a magic about PEP, and we all see it in one another. A new PEP class begins tomorrow, and the skills we learned today will serve us well as we all look forward to volunteering our time to help encourage and support all of our new PEP brothers.
Bryan R. (a.k.a. “Cool Cup”)
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
It was the first day for the new Spring ’19 class, so Fearless Fall ‘18 did not have class today. However, we spent our day welcoming our brothers into the PEP culture. We showed our Servant-Leader Mentality by helping facilitate the class and joining in on the small group conversations. It’s going to be great watching these guys grow during their Leadership Academy and Men’s Life journey.
Most of the new guys are very dedicated, already sitting at the table most of the day trying to knock out their “heart check.” This involves copying the PEP Study Guide one time from front to back. This commitment and diligence is inspirational and is reminding us of the drive we all have. We will spend our time helping as much as we can and will always be Fearless Fall ’18, but we have no problem claiming our Spring ’19 brothers. Welcome, and never forget your “why.”
Conan R. (a.k.a. “Justin Bieber”)
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
We went to our Entrepreneurship Class today, and as soon as we all prayed in, we went straight into testing on the various legal forms for our businesses, such as a corporation, a partnership and a sole proprietorship. Afterwards, we had Brian T. (a.k.a. “Cruella de Vil”) give us a motivational speech about not giving up and continuing to take it one day at a time. It takes him a little while to get to the point, because he has the habit of going off-track from time to time. However, by the end of the speech, it turned out to be very motivational and inspiring.
After the speech, we broke off into groups to help each other with our business plans. We all gave advice and provided new ideas about operating our businesses. All in all, today was a very productive and inspiring day, and we are waiting anxiously to see what tomorrow holds.
Morris A. (a.k.a. “Sprinkles”)
Thursday, September 20, 2018
We woke up this morning thanking God for letting us see another day. We no longer have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays because of the new class Spring ’19 starting. However, we are able to join in the fun by volunteering our time. It is a great opportunity for us to grow even more by giving back to the new participants.
At 7:30 a.m., we went down to the PEP classroom to hang out with Spring ’19 as the men got started with Men’s Life: Quest for Authentic Manhood. It is one of the best classes that we have in this program and is a life-changing experience; so have fun and enjoy yourselves, men of Spring ’19.
We want Spring ’19 to know that as you go through these next three months, make sure to give it your all, and you will see that it will work in your favor. This is the rebuilding stage of your new life. Keep your heads up! Fearless Fall ’18 will be with you every step of the way. Fearless Fall ’18, stay fearless and keep the good work up!
Floyd W. (a.k.a. “Sweet Meatball”)
Friday, September 21, 2018
We started the day off by taking a test in our Living in the Village class. Although not all of us passed, as a whole we did very well. This just shows one of the many ways that Fearless Fall ’18 continues to shine.
After the test, we went over the lessons for next week’s class. The knowledge that we gain in this class is going to be so helpful when we get out and experience our fresh start in life.
During the class most of us sat anxiously for the afternoon’s event and those new members joining the PEP family. Even though we were unable to attend, we were excited for our new brothers. It is a day of new beginnings. The Spring ’19 Kick Off event is where the new class gets a taste of what lies ahead of them in continuing with the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. So for Fearless Fall ’18, keep pushing forward; and for the new class, welcome and good luck!
Daniel C. (a.k.a. “Ernie”)
“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny…”
~ C. S. Lewis
PEP can sometimes seem to be a hardship because it is very hard to look inside ourselves and see what is wrong … and even harder to change it. But change is the main reason why we are here in this program. We are being customized into new people, better than what we once were, and the process isn’t easy. Nothing that is worthwhile is ever easy. While it is not very flattering for us to view ourselves as ordinary, that is what we are and maybe even less than that because of the stigma of being a felon. In spite of this degrading categorization, we are in a position to become extraordinary, because IF we use this time and opportunity to better ourselves and IF we don’t squander this chance, we can become exceptional. Our families will become beneficiaries of this advancement as well as society in general, and then we can be viewed as honorable and EXTRAORDINARY. These things can happen, but only if we change and transform into new creations and people with a good moral compass. Behold, old things have passed away and all things are becoming new.
Gary C. (a.k.a. “Master Splinter”)