Week 12
Week in Review
Monday September 25, 2017
Today we began the morning with Toastmasters. Everyone is getting better at public speaking and starting to feel more comfortable with each other. We are starting to feel the concept as a whole, and the Servant-Leaders have been a big contributing factor in our walk and helping us get to where we are now.
Men’s Life has really helped us to reach down deep inside and learn to forget our past. Whether it was good or bad, we have learned to bring it to the light and be transparent with each other. We no longer have to walk around with a chip on our shoulders. We have all evolved into being authentic men.
Every step we take is a step closer to the Business Plan Competition (BPC). As we prepare ourselves, every one of us is helping the man to his left as well as the man to the right. Because in the end, we all have the same goal in mind: to make it to graduation. When we reach our goal, we can truly stand and say we are the Legends that we say we are.
Edward G. (a.k.a. “Frappuccino”)
Tuesday September 26, 2017
The class of Fall ‘17 continued to march along the path toward graduation today. We have been blessed to be a part of the new class coming behind us, Spring ’18, and being able to extend our help to our new PEP brothers just as the prior class helped us. This has been instrumental in the continuance of Men’s Life and Leadership Academy.
Today our class continued to receive and review the results of our first Character Assessment. This has been a stressful event (for some more than others), but it has also pointed out some areas that we need to work on so we can grow. Character Assessments are not meant to hurt anyone, but they do shine lights on our weaknesses according to our 10 Driving Values.
As a whole the class of Fall ‘17 is doing a great job. We are living up to the name that was given to us, “Legends of the Fall.” It is our number one goal to set new standards and shatter old records. We study hard, are driven and love to participate in all the areas of the class. Keep up the great work!
Shaun F. (a.k.a. “Ring Pop”)
Wednesday September 27, 2017
Today was another “turned up” day in Bert’s class, and one of the most exciting classes, because we talked about making money. When the class started we prayed as one and took the Chapter 12 test. The tension is always high come test day. Overall the test was everything it was supposed to be – tough! – but we prevailed in the end with a class average of 93%.
After the test we welcomed our very own CEO, Bert S., and watched him dance down the aisle to his signature tune. Bert S. is an excellent dancer, and we always remind him that he has swag. His being business savvy really helps us with our business plans. We really appreciate him for taking the time out his busy schedule to come teach this class.
Brothers, we are almost at the finish line, so let’s step up our game and finish strong, just like the Legends we are sought out to be. Only two more tests to go in the business class, so let’s give it all we got! Let’s make our families proud of us come graduation day.
Ramien H. (a.k.a. “Cinnamon Roll”)
Thursday September 28, 2017
Today was another day for the Legends of the Fall ’17, and also another day for the class of Spring ’18. Most of us have found being Servant-Leaders is a favorite pastime.
We remember how it was to go through Leadership Academy, and how beneficial it was. The Servant-Leaders were always there to assist us, so it’s only right that we, the Legends, give back to our fellow PEP brothers. The torch was passed to us, and in the same manner we will pass the torch to Spring ’18.
In addition, a lot of our brothers used the extra time to study for next week’s test. It’s crazy to think that we only have two more tests in Bert S.’s class. We’re almost there brothers. Make sure you’re preparing your pitches, because game day is just around the corner.
Joshua H. (a.k.a. “Shananay”)
Friday September 29, 2017
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the brothers from Spring ‘18. This is a big step for the majority of you like it was for most of us, and we have tried to pave the way like the brothers before us have done. I will say this to the current investigators: stay ready; there will be homework, tests and things you may not agree with, but the rules are subject to change and all we can do is accept it.
There will be days that you may want to quit, but don’t! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and this is the beginning of a new life and a successful future. We all come here for a change, because we were not happy with whom we once were. But we guarantee you that if you stick it out, you are going to love the person you will soon become. All you have to do is go through this short trial that is in front of you.
Legends, the end is near my brothers! All your hard work and dedication will finally pay off and victory will be ours! Legends of the Fall ‘17 will live on forever, and our legacy will impact those around us. Remember that this is only the beginning; we have a long road ahead of us. So stay positive and stay focused!
Jesus P. (a.k.a. “Stewie”)
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
~J.K. Rowling
People go through life dreaming and wishing, and never making those thoughts a reality. And sometimes people dream all day, every day, to the point that they forget to live. Eric Thomas once said that if you want to be successful you have to give up sleep; my best dreams are in my sleep.
I was reading one day and I came upon this sentence: “A goal, not in writing, is simply a wish.” This had me thinking about all the plans and all the goals that I wanted to achieve and accomplish. These goals and plans are my dreams. Freedom will be here soon, and the first step to making my dreams real is writing them down and making them tangible. Then we have to put them into action. But I have to remind myself that it’s not going to be easy when I get out. A lot of things will not go the way I had planned; but no matter what, I just have to be focused, patient and positive about what life throws my way. We will be rewarded, but we just have to earn it with a little bit of hard work.
Alexius T. (a.k.a. “Cherry Dr. Pepper”)
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