Dear PEP Families,

If you’d like to read the class journal for Week 16, please click here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)

We have fielded a few questions about how to write parole support letters (see attached).  While PEP does not write letters of support for PEP participants, we wanted to give some ideas on how you can write such a letter.  **THIS FORMAT DOES NOT GUARANTEE AN EARLY RELEASE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE.  We do not have the “magic bullet” letter that will automatically get someone out on parole.  We can answer questions and concerns about the parole process, but the Prison Entrepreneurship Program is completely separate from the parole board and its decisions.**

Parole Letter Suggestions for families – Final 06 09

Our hope is that the attached information will give you a better idea of what to include (and what not to include) in a letter of support.  A good timeframe for sending a support letter is 3 months before your loved one is voted on, so please plan accordingly.  PLEASE NOTE: if your loved one has already received a release date, please disregard these instructions.

Have a great week!

