Dear PEP Families,

You can read about class from the guys’ perspective by reading the latest Monthly Newsletter & Weekly Journal here: (Click week # to read a particular post.)

To see your loved one’s GPA, please click here:

Graduation Guest Sectionwe get more questions about this section than any other, so let’s address this now:

What is the dress code?

The dress code for the event is business professional. Men can wear either a full suit or a sports coat and slacks (tie is optional), and women should dress conservatively in nice pants, a blouse that covers what it needs to, and a blazer/jacket. Long skirts or dresses that are at least mid-calf are permitted. No sleeveless tops or anything sheer is allowed. Any form of clothing where knees are showing when seated is prohibited.

Here’s what that means:

  1. Executive volunteers will be wearing professional clothing – so you are welcome to do so as well!
  2. If you do not have those types of clothes, please do not go on a shopping spree! – clean, no-hole clothes are perfect
    1. MEN: please wear a nice pair of pants and a shirt with a collar (or a clean t-shirt)
    2. WOMEN: since this is an all-male prison, please wear conservative clothing that won’t attract a male’s attention
    3. CHILDREN: there isn’t a specific dress code for children
  3. Clean, no-hole jeans and open-toed shoes will be fine (but please no flip flops)
  4. The Cleveland Unit staff has the final word on any clothing-related issues, and their word is final … PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!

I hope this answers any questions you might have about your graduation outfit … but if not, please call and ask!

Thanks so much for your continued support!