Week 12

Week 12   Week in Review   Monday March 19, 2018 Today we woke up early and started practicing our third speech for Toastmasters. Our third speech had four objectives: to inform, to persuade, to entertain and to inspire. After lunch, we made our way to the PEP...

Week 11

Week 11   Week in Review   Monday March 12, 2018 This Monday started off right for the Soldiers of Spring ’18. The sun was shining when our fearless leader Greg P. called the accountability leaders out for our bi-weekly meeting. We talked about a few issues...

March 21st Update

Dear PEP Families, Welcome to the first email to PEP’s Spring ‘18 family members!  There is a lot to cover, so let’s get started! If you’d like to read about class from the guys’ perspective, please read Weekly Journals here: http://family.pep.org/cleveland/journals...

GPAs as of March 16, 2018

GPAs as of March 16, 2018   Name GPA Test Avg Aaron A 4.09 101.84 Aaron C 2.87 77.48 Adam W 4.1 101.97 Adrian H 3.29 85.75 Albert B 3.48 89.58 Alejandro A 3.18 83.52 Alex J 3.16 83.14 Alfredo R 3.73 94.67 Andres F 3.71 94.23 Andrew P 3.86 97.12 Aric D 3.74 94.76...

GPAs as of February 28, 2018

GPAs as of February 28, 2018   Name GPA Test Avg Aaron A 4.09 101.7 Aaron C 3.00 79.97 Adam W 4.08 101.6 Adrian C 3.12 82.32 Adrian H 3.37 87.47 Albert B 3.62 92.31 Alejandro A 3.18 83.57 Alex J 3.15 82.98 Alfredo R 3.80 95.9 Andres F 3.83 96.69 Andrew P 3.91...

GPAs as of January 31, 2018

GPAs as of January 31, 2018   Name GPA Test Avg Aaron A 4.10 101.90 Aaron C 2.80 76.03 Adam W 4.05 101.05 Adrian C 2.88 77.59 Adrian H 3.34 86.74 Albert B 3.60 91.91 Alejandro A 3.02 80.45 Alex J 3.40 88.03 Alfredo R 3.74 94.86 Andres F 3.86 97.22 Andrew P 3.87...