Nov. 29th Update

Dear PEP Families, To read the latest class journal, please read Weekly Journal #20 here: (Click week # to read a particular post.) We are pleased to bring you PEP’s 10 Driving Values! We asked the men to write about which...

Week 20

Week 20   Week in Review   Monday November 20, 2017 Today was another fun day in the PEP room. The day started out with a pod coach meeting in the morning, then it moved on to pray-outs in the afternoon. I am real happy for all the soon-to-be-graduates,...

Nov. 21st Update

Dear PEP Families, The class has written the latest installment, Weekly Journal #19, for your reading enjoyment – you can find it here: (Click week # to read a particular post.) Since I’ve received a lot of questions about the...

Week 19

Week 19   Week in Review   Monday  November 13, 2017 Today we had a meeting for the accountability leaders. We broke up into groups to discuss how each man’s personal vision is affected by his level of personal accountability, and vice versa. One thing that...

Nov. 15th Update

Dear PEP Families, Welcome to this weekly update on your loved one at Cleveland! If you’d like to read about last week’s class from the guys’ perspective, please read Weekly Journal #18 here: (Click week # to read a particular...

Week 18

Week 18   Week in Review   Monday November 6, 2017 What an exciting day we had today with our last Toastmasters class! There were only 10 people who had not given their tenth speech. Everyone looked around at each other like this day would never come. There...