Dear PEP Families,

Good afternoon!  We hope that all is well with you and yours.

We would like to ask each family to do something for us … since guests cannot attend graduation, we would like each Spring ’20 participant to receive a short (30-45 seconds) video of you telling them “Congratulations!” or “Way to go!” or “I love you” … whatever positive, life-affirming message you would like to say in 30-45 seconds would be a huge blessing!

Here’s how that will work:

  1. Record your message to your loved one (and to the class as a whole, if you’d like) using your cell phone
  2. Send that recording by 8p Central Time on Wednesday, April 15th
    1. Go to this address:
    1. Select “Choose files” and then click on the video file you wish to share with your loved one
  3. We will combine all the video messages together and submit them for the Warden’s approval
  4. Once approved, the Warden will show the messages to the class

Y’all … I don’t know if everyone understands what a blessing and privilege it is to work with Warden Upshaw, who does not have to do any of this but wants to because he believes so strongly in PEP.  If you think of it, please send a quick note to him to thank him for his support, especially in times like these.

And thank YOU for your time and support as well!  We look forward to seeing everyone’s video messages!