Week in Review
Monday, January 20, 2019
The Venture Capital Panel (VCP) event was a great learning experience. Communicating with the executives gave us valuable insights on putting our business plans and pitches together. As we reflect today, those experiences have helped us thrive when it comes to making our business plans amazing.
Marcus H., one of our fellow PEP brothers, came to the facility and enlightened us on the importance of building our credit. We were also informed that we can start working on our credit while incarcerated. Most of us thought we would not have this opportunity in a place like this.
We are now reading Living in the Village. This book shows us a lot about personal finance. Today, we are feeling confident in ourselves. It is clear to us that once we obtain the knowledge we gain as PEP brothers, it is our own duty as Servant-Leaders to help the classes that come after us.
Jeremy D. (a.k.a. “Uncle Elroy”)
Tuesday, January 21, 2019
Today was an exciting day, as the Visionaries of Spring 20/20 were shown a 15-minute video of the Business Plan Competition that was put together by PEP. The competition was for a business loan to expand the owners’ businesses. The owners of the businesses were actually PEP graduates themselves. This gave us more to strive for after we are released, as well as incentive to attend e-School.
Today, we are all staying focused to see this to the end. Some days we get work stacked on top of other work; but we believe it is a way of teaching us not to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed. We will finish strong to the end.
Evan D. (a.k.a. “Mr. Clean”)
Wednesday, January 22, 2019
We, the Visionaries of Spring 20/20, are constantly growing in knowledge and wisdom. Today we went to our financial class on EOUs. We have an amazing teacher, Tim H., who is helping us understand more about our businesses financially.
We understand that we need to have a clear vision of our future in order to achieve greatness. We will keep striving for success, which is why we take time to study and help each other. We look back and see how we have grown in the Prison Entrepreneurship Program and are proud to be the Visionaries of Spring 20/20.
Felix D. (a.k.a. “Alvin”)
Thursday, January 23, 2019
Today was a good day, except for the fact that we had to wake up early this morning to take our Living in the Village test. The test was based on credit scores, as well as building and restoring credit. The test was a little difficult, but with hard work and dedication, most of us were able to pass the test. Once we got the hard part out of the way, our facilitators went over chapters eight, nine and 10.
These chapters consisted of taxes and tax deferred accounts. We were also introduced to budgeting and saving money for our retirements and emergency purposes. It was very interesting and useful for all of us. When it comes down to talking about money, everyone pays extra special attention.
Last but not least, we watched a history movie about the Revolutionary War. It was about how the United States officially became independent from Great Britain. Afterwards, our brothers gathered up for a prayer before we were released from class. We always look forward to class because we learn something new each and every time.
Jacob E. (a.k.a. “Winnie the Pooh”)
Friday, January 24, 2019
Today we were honored to celebrate our fellow brothers who graduated on the Estes unit. The Prison Entrepreneurship Program is far from easy, and we acknowledge the accomplishment achieved by our fellow brothers. We also worked on our executive summaries for our business plans. Servant-Leaders like Scottie B. (a.k.a. “Banana Split”) and Michael M. (a.k.a. “Jim Adler, The Texas Hammer”) are the reason our business plans have been coming along so exquisitely.
There is never a day off in the life of a PEP participant, even though we didn’t go to class today. We constantly strive to become amazing public speakers by practicing our Toastmasters International speeches. We constantly study our Entrepreneurship curriculum and read Living in the village so that we can pass our tests and be financially literate.
Overall, it’s safe to say that PEP has instilled a studious nature in each one of us. It feels amazing to execute with excellence. We plan to continue to lead to see others succeed in every aspect of our lives.
Delvin F. (a.k.a. “Cleveland Brown”)
“Our era is a birth time and a period of transition. The spirit of man has broken with the old order of things … and with the old ways of thinking, and is of the mind to let them all sink into the depths of the past and to set about its own transformation … the frivolity and boredom which unsettle the established order, the vague foreboding of something unknown, these are the heralds of approaching change.”
~ G.W.F. Hegel
I was born in a generation that wants to be separate from other generations. I have come to the realization that my generation controls my point of view more than I know, and it defines me as well. Understanding my generation has been monumental. It has led me to anticipate and set trends.
I have freed my mind from mental constraints placed on me by my generation. Freedom has brought me power in a place where most feel powerless, because freedom starts in the mind. I have built my brand by identifying the characteristics that have been instilled in me by influence. By knowing in depth the spirit of my generation and the times that I live in, I will be better able to capitalize on the spirit of the times. Being aware of generational myopia is a quality great entrepreneurs have embraced. I encourage you to do the same as well.
Dante V. (a.k.a. “Sour Patch Kids”)
Kings of Fall ’19