Week 4

Week in Review

Monday January 21, 2019

We had Toastmasters class today.  Toastmasters is a public speaking class designed to get us better at speaking in public. On this particular day, we gave our “Ice Breaker” speech.  This speech is four to five minutes in length regarding our personal life story. 

Toastmasters is structured with officers and positions to govern the entire class.  There are rules and guidelines that we adhere to in every single session.  This makes the class fun and keeps it moving at a good pace.  We are respectful to all the speakers as they speak in front of the group.  All this structure not only helps to govern the class, but it also teaches us discipline and management skills. 

We have Toastmasters class every Monday.  The class is split into morning and afternoon classes, and each of those is further divided into two smaller groups. There are two classes going on at the same time in the PEP room. This helps give us the opportunity to get to know all of the participants in our class.

We will continue to have Toastmasters every Monday on our march toward graduation.  For most of us, public speaking is a new and challenging experience. Toastmasters is one of many tools in our tool belt that will help us grow, not only as businessmen but also as authentic men. 

Ryan C. (a.k.a. “Chicken Little”)

Tuesday  January 22, 2019

The Conquerors of Spring ’19 woke up today ready for computer lab. We are learning Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. There are eight lessons to complete in Excel, 11 lessons in Word, and four lessons in Power Point. This class is a real blessing.

In the PEP housing areas, we were busy studying for our test on Wednesday. The test will be on Chapter Five of our entrepreneurship textbook. We are expecting a pop quiz on Chapter 11. Some of us are finishing up homework we had to do after our last test. We will be having a test on Friday in our Living in The Village class. This is a class on financial literacy. Many of us are also studying for this test as well.

Additionally, many of our PEP brothers have embarked on a healthier lifestyle utilizing the PEP Health and Wellness class. This class transforms its participants both physically and mentally through a rigorous workout routine.

Quintin C. (a.k.a. “Top Shelf”)

Wednesday January 23, 2019

Some of us had computer lab this morning. This class is where we have been learning   Microsoft Office computer programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point. Many of us have never even used a computer before and so are unfamiliar with it. It is definitely a good learning experience. We are all excited about learning something new.

This afternoon, we all have our Entrepreneurship class. We have a test every week over the lesson from the previous week. Most of us are full of nervous energy that comes with taking a test, but we also look forward to learning something new in the business portion of the class.

We discussed the basics of a marketing plan, how to develop a pricing model, as well as identifying methods of sales management. We also learned how to differentiate between the various types of promotions available to a new business. The class is only a few hours long every Wednesday, but the knowledge we gain will last us a lifetime.

Felipe C. (a.k.a. “Old Spice”)

Thursday January 24, 2019

Today, we started the day early. It is “pray-out” day here at PEP.  The Conquerors of Spring ’19 gave their support to a couple of our PEP brothers who are going home. When they get home, they will face a world of challenges. We made a video for the guys who are going home to remind them of the great qualities they have and all they have learned in PEP.

Each brother who spoke in front of the camera gave his own insight from his own personal perspective about the brothers going home. This video will be something they will always serve as a reminder, that when things get hard to keep pushing and stay focused. Above all, however, it will be a reminder that they have the support of all their PEP brothers. We are encouraging all of our brothers to succeed.

Kenneth C. (a.k.a. “Keenan”)

Friday January 25, 2019

Now that we have reached Phase Two in the PEP evolution, things have been a lot more hectic. There is a lot more homework, studying and tests to be completed. We have three to four tests a week. We have several classes each week including history, business, financial literacy and public speaking.

Early this morning, we had our Living in The Village class. Before going over the chapter, we had another pop quiz on the chapter we just read. Gregg P. gave us a lecture on how to build and maintain a good credit score. It was very helpful, and we had a productive day.

Amador C. (a.k.a. “Courage the Cowardly Dog”)


“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.”

~Helen Keller

God says in the Holy Bible in Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” God has a vision and a plan for each of our lives. We can find out these plans by first believing in Jesus Christ and asking Him to live in our hearts. Ask Him to be your personal Lord and Savior. Then ask Him to show you these plans, so your vision can line up with His. This is how we learn why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing. Once the Holy Spirit lives in you, listen for His voice as you read His word; He will guide and direct your paths. Listen for His small, still voice while you spend time with Him in prayer.

Dale R. (a.k.a. “Sweet Breeches”)