Week 6


Week in Review


August 14, 2017

Most people dread Mondays, and some even call them “Moan-days” because they have to return to work. In PEP, we welcome Mondays with an open mind and an open heart. The weekend is over and it’s back to business for all of us in PEP. Today was a great day, and we are all growing and learning so much.

Here at Cleveland, Monday is Toastmasters for the Legends of the Fall ’17. Not everyone enjoys speaking in front of a crowd, nor is everyone good at it (yet, that is). In Toastmasters, we are gaining the necessary skills and knowledge to be comfortable and articulate while speaking in public. It is truly a privilege for us to be members of this world-renowned club. We are not only learning a lot about building character, but we are having a blast doing it too.

Monday also means that it’s back to work on our physical appearances as well. Led by the one and only “Baby Simba,” we are all going to be ready for the beach upon release with the strength and discipline that we gained in PEP’s first Health & Wellness class. We have all grown and improved mentally, physically and spiritually, thanks to this evening’s revival. So, as today comes to a close, we are even closer to getting released, and one step closer to becoming successful entrepreneurs – possibly even millionaires!

Aaron H. (a.k.a. “Pretty Kitty”)


Tuesday August 15, 2017

It’s been a beautiful week, with smiles everywhere. Taking Toastmasters is very helpful and beneficial, getting us ready to give our business pitches. We also have a prayer call every night, and the circle is growing every day.

It’s a beautiful thing to see us, the Legends of the Fall ’17, coming together as brothers, uplifting each other on a daily basis. As a team, we are starting to see the benefits of PEP through and through. Today we had the day off to focus on our studies for tomorrow’s test.

Although some of us had to go to computer lab, the majority of us worked on our business plans, while some attended the renowned Health & Wellness class. It’s amazing to see our brothers bettering themselves in every facet of their lives. They’re truly an inspiration for the entire unit as a whole. Keep up the good work, Legends!

Andrea B. (a.k.a. “Red Fox”)


Wednesday August 16, 2017

Every Wednesday the Legends of the Fall ’17 attend Bert S.’s class to learn about business. We start out with an outline for the following chapter. We are expected to read the chapter and study the outline, because that following Wednesday we will be tested.

Today was no different, but what is starting to happen is that every week, the work seems to be getting easier. The reason is that our brains are getting better at retaining information. PEP challenges us weekly. By the Legends answering the challenge given to us, we are becoming all around better men.

Before coming to PEP, we had no vision. We knew that we wanted to be better. We just didn’t know how we were going to do so. Thanks to PEP’s daily challenges, we’re gaining the knowledge and wisdom to put our visions into action and to achieve success for our families, as well as ourselves.

Yasin M. (a.k.a. “Little Teapot”)


Thursday August 17, 2017

This morning started with Health & Wellness, where we got our one-mile run and workouts in. Afterwards, we headed back to the pods to deal with one of the hardest struggles there is: going to commissary. Some of the more determined guys got the task done, while others fell short.

Then after lunch, we came back to the pod again and heard our heroic call: “Fall ’17!” In response, K-pod in particular came together and we headed down to the classroom in style! Pray-outs were the task at hand, and today we prayed out four of our fellow brothers and left them with some words of encouragement to carry with them out into the world.

As for tonight’s focus, we are to create our mission statements for our business plans, as well as digging in and drilling this week’s Living in the Village chapters for tomorrow’s test. This leaves us with Bert S.’s chapter seven test that we have to prepare for next week. It’s times like these that not only turn boys into men, but heroes into legends!

Joseph W. (a.k.a. “Ralphy”)


Friday August 18, 2017

What another amazing week for the Legends of the Fall ’17. Our Fridays consist of Living in the Village, which is our class that teaches us personal finance. For most of us, this is definitely critical information that we can utilize upon our release.

After taking our test, along with our weekly lesson being taught by Brandon G., we were dismissed from class. However, some of our brothers had other plans outside of just going back to the dorms. There’s a new class called Health & Wellness, which is really helping our brothers get into shape, and not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

Everyone is super excited that we’re into the business phase of the program. For most of us, this is exactly what we came for. No one expected the character development to come along with it; however, when you look around at the class, you see transforming men. Continue to be Legends!

Roger L. (a.k.a. “Skipper”)



 “There are those whose lives affect all others around them. Quietly touching one heart, who in turn, touches another! Reaching out to ends further than they would ever know…”

~William Bradfield

The true heroes of our world are not sung about in songs, mentioned in the newspapers, or given any medals of honor. They’re the leaders who work behind the scenes, making a difference by little, random acts of kindness that create a rippling effect on the world. This logic was illustrated by the apostle Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians.

He basically stated that God helps us through our troubles, so that we can help others who go through those same troubles later. If someone gives you advice or assistance in a difficult situation, aren’t you more moved to do the same for another? Remember that love is contagious, and that you don’t need to have a title to make the world a better place; all you need is a heart to spark the flame.

Michael G. (a.k.a. “Baby Simba”)