Week 10


Week in Review


Monday March 13, 2017

Today, the Kings of Spring ‘17 began our first character assessment. Our character assessment is designed to identify each individual’s negative traits, as well as his positive traits. We are helping each other become the men we are supposed to be.

When we started this adventure, we all had previously made a commitment to change our direction in life after receiving that PEP postcard. We kings have most definitely fine-tuned our focus by listening to our fellow brothers and servant leaders’ words of encouragement and wisdom.

We are all helping each other realize what a “great man” is while helping each other grow to get there. We are looking forward to taking our new style of entrepreneurial character to our family and friends who continue to love us. We give God all of the thanks and glory.

Joshua M. (a.k.a. Mater)


Tuesday March 14, 2017

Today we were given an audience with Linda T., owner and founder of Powerful Appearance.  She spoke to us about the power of color in business and leadership.  Author of Color Nation, she shared with us her research-based insight on the effect that colors can have on those around us.  According to Mrs. T., selecting the right color and style of clothing will give us a powerful edge in today’s competitive job market.  We all found the presentation to be entertaining, educational, and for many of us eye opening.

The presentation touched on many topics and culminated on a deeply personal level as she shared with us some very personal stories, including her experiences speaking to a generation that saw President John F. Kennedy moments before he was assassinated, which was a heart-wrenching story, as well as her efforts to help the youth of our country.  She had a unique way of making us all think about our decisions in life, especially related to what to wear.

It was definitely one of the most informative presentations we have been fortunate enough to be invited to.  At the presentation’s end it was clear she had won over the crowd and received a standing ovation.  The Kings of Spring ’17 are still talking about wearing those purple shirts.

Hubert R. (a.k.a. Elvis)


Wednesday March 15, 2017

Today was an emotional day full of mixed feelings about the character assessment, in addition to dealing with the day-to-day personal emotions. All of this stacked on top of the sometimes overwhelming feeling that comes with PEP. Whether it is class, studying for a test, putting together our business plans and pitches or the long hours we endure, some days we need to step back and remember why we’re doing this.

The key to our own personal growth and development is change. We may not agree with – or want to accept – our assessment results, but one thing we cannot argue with is that over and over again PEP’s curriculum, program, system and processes get results.

My fellow Kings of Spring ’17, stay strong, stay focused, stay diligent and continue to fight for change and results. A mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Our past decisions are proven mistakes leading us to prison over and over again. PEP is not a mistake. It’s time to open our eyes and get better results. IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE!

Christopher V. (a.k.a. Ernest)


Thursday March 16, 2017

A sigh of relief went across the room as we took the last test of the week.  This has been one of the busiest weeks so far with our class – there is just so much going on at once.  We had our first character assessment; we have been swamped with tests; and on top of all that we have to do enough market research to put together a business plan.

To end the week, we have our Etiquette Night event tomorrow, when we will be having a proper dinner with all the executive volunteers.  Fortunately for us, we are all well prepared, thanks to Mrs. Colleen R. the author of Be on Your Best Business Behavior, a highly informative book on business etiquette.  Reading the book was just icing on the cake; the real fun came from sitting through Mrs. Colleen’s seminar.

With all of the great things we are being taught, there is no doubt that we will be able to pursue our dreams upon release.  We have been given the tools necessary to become successful businessmen as well as authentic men.  We are learning that everyone can be great, if only they put forth the hard work that is required to make it happen.  With one more week in the books, we are that much closer to making it happen!

Darrell M. (a.k.a. Peter Pan)


Friday March 17, 2017

Today we had our Etiquette Night event, and it was awesome.  We learned so much and had a blast doing it.  The most amazing part though was sitting down to practice the table manners Mrs. Colleen R. taught us.  It was truly like sitting down to a meal with family.

The closer we get to graduation, the more it is starting to sink in that we are a part of something great. It is not every day that you have people you would not normally meet come and give you knowledge for free that others have to pay for. We could not have asked for a better presentation or modeling act than Mr. Carl T. provided for us.

Being a family member of this brotherhood called PEP has given me a new outlook on the lives of those that most people gave up on. Each and every brother, not only of Spring ’17, but also the PEP brothers who have gone before us, have been in our shoes and made it, and that gives us all the motivation and drive to keep going. Days like today are when words can never communicate the full depth of thanks we have for our PEP family!

Xavier A. (a.k.a. Chocolate Drizzle)



 “Many persons might have attained to wisdom had they not assumed they already possessed it.”



With each passing day we experience enough to affect a lifetime.  Every day is yet another chance to grow and blossom, and so we grow even if we don’t realize it at first.  What direction will your growth take you?  At first living in the underbrush, one is overshadowed by the huge trees around himself, yet he too possesses the potential to stretch far above where the sprout took place.  Even the great oak was once only a sprout, a seedling in need of water.  Our experiences are our water; choose your watering hole wisely.

Joshua S. (a.k.a. Waldo)