Week 6


Week in Review


Monday February 13, 2017

Stay ready! That’s the motto around here, and today we got to see just how serious it can be. The past few days have been trying, because the class has been hit with a bug that’s doing battle with some of the strongest immune systems.

Mondays we have Toastmasters, and the whole objective is to be able to speak clearly, stand up and be noticed with confidence, which is hard to do with a sore throat and a fever. This is why some brothers had to miss class; so can you guess what happened next? The next man stepped up and filled in for his brother.

When it was time to call on one of our fellow brothers to fill in and give a speech, he didn’t make any excuses about not having been given advanced notice. He simply stood up and walked to the podium with a fearless strut, because he stays ready and prepared for business. No sickness, no test, nothing can stop us from getting to the things that we want. We want everything that we can earn. An organization is not a machine, yet it is a social system made up of people with all their hopes, fears, envy, desires, and needs. Today, we needed the next man to step up. Stay ready!

Jeremy H. (a.k.a. Bobble Head)


Tuesday February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day! For some today is a day of love, honor and grace. For others it is filled with pain, guilt and sorrow. When we acknowledge these feelings it is an acknowledgement of growth. Growth cannot happen without change. For change to occur there must be a driving force.

We’ve all made mistakes at some point in our lives and hurt some of those closest to us. This time we suffer and endure, but we do so as a fraternity of brothers. Days like today offer a realization that change is worth it. We are working to be the men that our mothers, wives, daughters, sons, friends and neighbors deserve.

Never again can we hurt the ones we love most; never again can we put ourselves into this position. Psalm 103:15-16 reads, “Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone – as though we had never been there.” Don’t just simply exist, but be a driving force in someone’s life and continue to grow and change every day, and above all remember to love!

Christopher V. (a.k.a. Ernest Goes to PEP)


Wednesday February 15, 2017

Today was Bert S.’s Entrepreneurial Course and as always no one left disappointed.  Bert always brings his special blend of knowledge gained from real world experience and works it into his lesson so that it’s more than theory. This is a unique opportunity that my brothers and I really appreciate.

We all seem to understand more every day just how important these things we are being taught truly are beyond these walls. Some things are easily done, some things are very difficult; some men study often, some of my brothers are more hands on; but to see all of us coming together for the common good of every man in here is amazing. No brother who wants more for himself and his family will be left behind.

Today we learn, but tomorrow we will put these lessons into practice as many men before us are doing right now. Even in a difficult situation we are blessed to have positive influences around us, people who actually care for our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It’s on us to produce. Let’s continue to work diligently, and the reward will be ours.

Hubert R. (a.k.a. Elvis)


Thursday February 16, 2017

For many of us, this week has been the most difficult yet. We were, as a whole, caught off-guard with the names test. We also have an event to prepare for wherein we will be presenting our Venture Capitalist Pitches (VCP) to the executive volunteers. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget about the Economics of One Unit test as well.

We all knew that this would be hard: no one is given a handout here, only a hand up. For many of us, this is the greatest challenge of our lives. This week has tested our character, our resolve, our willingness to love each other, and ultimately our drive to succeed individually and as a group.

For most of us PEP represents the greatest opportunity we have ever been granted. Soft men give up, complain or whine when faced with adversity. But we are not soft men – we are warriors, WE ARE KINGS!

Michael M. (a.k.a. Sweet M&M)


Friday February 17, 2017

Over the last few weeks, we have become increasingly more determined to accomplish our goals. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel; we can smell the prize; we can feel the heat; we are close! Some men have decided to give up on their dreams, and we will miss them. Yet the ones who are strong, the ones who are determined to change regardless of how hard it is, remain. We will continue to fight stagnation and continue to progress as men and brothers.

We, the Kings of Spring ’17, recently watched the movie Gifted Hands as we finished up our re-entry interviews. The movie was amazing, by far one of the most motivational movies I have ever seen. The movie was an incredible display of the fact that with hard work, focus and determination a man can shake up the world and forge a legacy in the process.

We are actually on the journey to becoming better men. It’s a difficult journey that not many men embark upon, but it’s definitely worth it. Some of us are determined to set the bar high for the Business Plan Competition, so we work on our pitches day and night. Some men are determined to win Valedictorian, so they study all day and all night, memorizing words and learning business concepts. We are men with visions, and our goals help us track our progress.

Andrew M. (a.k.a. Kung Fu Brother)



 “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press on’ has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.” 

– Calvin Coolidge

Education is important, as is faith, intellect, intuition, soft skills, leadership and many other similar traits – they are all vital to one’s success. But in order to succeed and progress as a man, one must have the ability to persevere. There is no substitute for persistence. Wise men fail, intelligent men fail, but the one who simply stands when all else quivers and falls will earn success. What will set you apart from the crowd is your ability to “press on” during hardship and adversity.

Frustration and anger are okay – one should experience frustration along his journey – but allow that frustration to inspire you, allow it to be your fire. You may be outmatched intellectually, and you may be alone, frustrated, hurt, bruised and outwitted, but no one should outwork you. Build your internal fortitude, and when all else withers away, simply stand!

Jaa’far A. (a.k.a. Jolly Rancher)