Week 14

Week 14 &nsbp; Week in Review   Monday October 1, 2018 We all had the day off from our Monday Toastmasters class, but we still held Toastmasters in our dorms. Everyone is preparing for their 7-10 minute Business Plan Competition (BPC) pitch and working hard...

October 3rd Update

Dear PEP Families, To read the class’s latest journal entries, as well as a newsletter from inside the Unit, please read Weekly Journals & Monthly Newsletters here: http://family.pep.org/cleveland/journals/  (Click week # to read a particular post.) Graduation is...

Week 13

Monday, September 24, 2018 Today is different from any other Monday, because it is our twelfth week in this class. We completed a resume today, which included typing it up as well as our computer assignments for the day. Since we have been coming to computer lab for...

Week 12

Monday, September 17, 2018 We are all learning so much, and more importantly, we are having fun doing it. From day one, the Prison Entrepreneurship Program has helped encourage and show us how to break out of our shells, and today was no different. As a result, we are...