Nov. 15th Update

Dear PEP Families, Welcome to this weekly update on your loved one at Cleveland! If you’d like to read about last week’s class from the guys’ perspective, please read Weekly Journal #18 here: (Click week # to read a particular...

Week 18

Week 18   Week in Review   Monday November 6, 2017 What an exciting day we had today with our last Toastmasters class! There were only 10 people who had not given their tenth speech. Everyone looked around at each other like this day would never come. There...

Fall 2017 GPAs

Fall 2017 GPAs   NAME Test Avg GPA Aaron H 98.15 3.91 Adam K 82.59 3.13 Adrian T 80.71 3.04 Alejandro G 84.28 3.21 Alex P 94.25 3.71 Alexander Z 88.40 3.42 Ali I 96.42 3.82 Alvaro J 76.79 2.84 Andrea B 85.15 3.26 Andres M 97.24 3.86 Andrew S Jr 91.19 3.56 Antonio...

Week 17

Week 17   Week in Review   Monday October 30, 2017 Today was a great day. We attended Toastmasters to wrap up our last speech. It is crazy how we have grown since the start of this class; the change and progress we have made is remarkable. So many of us...